
2019-10-31 01:00

This chapter addresses one of the foundational issues that confront parents and educators: What is to be done about the moral character formation of children? Few would doubt that raising children of strong moral character is a highly desirable goal for socialization. Most parents would be disappointed if their children entered adulthood with only slight acquaintance with moral norms, dispositions, or emotions, or evinced these qualities only on occasion. But not only parents. The development of moral character is also a broadly shared goal that animates the work of socialization agents in every contextual setting that involves children, including schools and churches, youth organizations and other community institutions. Indeed, the concern over the proper induction of the younger generation by the older into the norms and canons of good conduct is probably a universal of the human experience. Yet the terms of reference for moral character education (MCE) is broadly contested whatever the basic agreement on the desirability of its goals . Historically, the terms moral education and character education have pointed to different psychological traditions, ethical theories, curricular objectives and pedagogical preferences. Whether one is a moral educator or a character educator is thought to reveal something about one’s paradigmatic allegiances, about where one stands in terms of certain defining issues that sorts one into rival camps, with each camp having its own professional society (e.g., Association for Moral Education, the Character Education Partnership) and professional journal (e.g., Journal of Moral Education, Journal of Research in Character Education). We consider these distinctions in the present chapter. Our own perspective is that there is now more consensus than controversy, that paradigmatic allegiances are held without the same fervor as before, and that a reasonable middle way between camps is a realistic option Our title elides the paradigmatic divide and reflects this optimism about finding common ground.