
2019-12-11 20:46

One of the strongest arguments for the death penalty is based on the concept of deterrence of crime. The deterrence theory is based on the understanding that criminals are deterred if the consequences of a crime outweigh the benefits. Researchers claim that humans are basically aware of the differences between rights and wrong and as such the commission of crime is a free choice involving choices based on consequences of actions. As such, the proponents argue that death penalty is an effective deterrence to criminals contemplating committing a capital offense. These analysts argue hat the death penalty creates fear in the mind of potential offenders given the harsh punishment.The other argument for death penalty is based on the understanding hat it eliminates villains and habitual killers from the society who would otherwise continue to harass people. The proponents argue hat when a criminal is executed he no longer poses any threat. This follows the logical argument that the execution of killers and other radical offenders would contribute to safer societies, Banner (2002, p.60).The third argument for the death punishment is based on the cost implications. The proponents of the death penalty argue that confining criminals to prisons and rehabilitation centers involves expenditure of taxpayer’s money. The costs of death penalty are paltry compared with the enormous expenditure of public funds and the general impact of release of such people to the societies. There are arguments that the criminals released may lead to panic and fear in the society or the recruitment of other criminals which may not be necessarily quantifiable in terms of costs, David (2006, p.50). As such, the proponents argue that the death penalty for killers is less costly than other punishments by all considerations.