
2019-12-25 18:40

足球中的种族主义现象并不像一般的社会中的种族主义冲突那样古老,但也不像当前令人担忧的情况那样令人相信(Back et al.1998)。Back等人(1998)认为足球场是种族主义可以公开表达的最大公共场所之一。正是在这样的背景下,在过去的几十年里,足球中的种族主义现象在媒体、政策制定者和更广泛的足球界引起了广泛的讨论。最近,对体育、种族主义和民族主义的研究有所增加(Jarvie 1991)。将会解释的许多因素无疑助长了这种兴趣。然而,有几个因素似乎非常重要。首先,世界各地的黑人运动员在国际体育运动中取得了显著的“成功”。根据Mercer和Shohat and Stam(1994)的研究,这可能是由于每个正面的刻板印象都有一个负面的结果。因此,当黑人男性和女性在各种体育运动中脱颖而出时,非种族背景的人们需要一个解释,来解释为什么一个看似劣等的种族可以胜过一个优等的种族。这可能是促使人们对他们的成功产生怨恨的许多因素之一,而这种怨恨又可能导致具有种族主义性质的虐待。其次,不同少数民族文化对体育运动的参与程度高得不成比例,这常常被“思想开明”的体育爱好者用来作为借口,表明在这些竞技场上不存在种族主义。这些作者用这些例子试图说明,在某些体育运动中不存在形式或种族主义,但作者如(威廉姆斯1992,1994;特纳1990;荷兰1992a, 1992b, 1995)已经证明了事实并非如此。
The phenomenon of racism in football is not as old as the conflict of racism in society in general, but neither is it as recent as the current worrying situation in which some to believe (Back et al.1998). Back et al. (1998) identified that football grounds have provided one of the largest public arenas in which racism can be openly expressed. It is against this background that the phenonomenon of racism in football has led to wide spread discussion during the past couple of decades within the media, amongst policy makers and in the wider football community.Recently, there has been a increase in the study of sport, racism and ethnicity (Jarvie 1991). Numerous factors which will be explained have undoubtedly contributed to fuel this interest. However, a couple of considerations appear to have been of great importance. Firstly, black sportsmen and sportswomen throughout the world have experienced remarkable ‘successes’ in international sport .According to Mercer,  and Shohat and Stam, 1994) this may be due to the fact that apparently each positive stereotype has a negative result. Therefore, as black men and women have come to excel in various sports, people of a non ethnic backgroundhave needed an explanation for why what seemed to be an inferior race can outperform a superior one. This may be one of many factors which may have encouraged resentment for their success which in turn could have lead to abuse in a racist nature.Secondly, a disproportionately high level of athletic participation by diverse ethnic minority cultures has often been used by ‘liberal minded’ sports enthusiasts as an excuse to indicate that there is no racism in these arenas. These authors use these examples to try and illustrate that there is no form or racism in certain sports, however authors such as (Williams 1992, 1994; Turner 1990; Holland 1992a, 1992b, 1995) have proven otherwise.