
2017-06-12 14:29

The analysis pointed that parent are more enthusiastic in involving education activities than online activities. In order to get educational information, most parents attend parent-teacher meeting. Only a few parents exchange the educational information with other students' parents. From the result, about 5% of parents don't participate in their children education activities.  Half of the parents from the survey control their children to use search engine for children and determine how their children make friends. 67% parents set the rules such as internet usage rules, watching TV, studying in order to improve their children education and 50% of parents punish their children if they did not follow their rules. The result pointed that parents involve in their children activities rather than demand on their children.In parenting section, there are eleven parenting styles. The most of the parents usually give the reason upon their guidance based on the question number nineteen's strong positive survey result (81.8%) which is the highest percentage in this section. Most parents also help their children homework when they need their helps as showed on the survey result (80%). Parents set rules for their children time management including internet exploring, watching TV, studying and so many as based on the strong positive attitude result (67.3%). As based on the data survey, parents like to control and guide to their children benefits including online educational gaming but there is strong neutral parenting style for exchanging educational information with others students' parents.