
2017-04-24 00:20

在这个问题的核心是人性的问题,只是做什么是正确的。虽然民族国家可以控制其领导人和公民,他们中的许多人会意识到,无论采取正确的行动过程,面对道德困境。这并不是说,公民或国家将采取任何道德结论,他们有。Ed Vulliamy写在Bosnia的暴行在上世纪90年代的总结:“这让人难以置信,世界可以看到、读到和听到的发生在这场战争的受害者,人是什么,而什么都不做–糟。”(P5–人类的第二十世纪,道德史格洛弗1999)Jonathon Glover的尝试。定义了两种类型的道德资源提供给人类,首先应对因其地位的人类同胞,值得一些维护尊严的尊重某些人,其次要有同情心的一个基本层面,即“关心苦难和幸福的人,也许感觉的程度识别他们。”(P22格洛弗1999)。维护个人基本尊严的道德责任来自于人类最基本的原则--例如,从一个盲目的乞丐那里偷东西是很容易的,这通常被认为是可耻的行为。康德总结了对他人尊严的简单尊重:“他有义务以一种实际的方式承认,每个人都有尊严。
At the heart of this question is the issue of humanity and simply doing what is right. Whilst the nation state can have a hold over both its leaders and citizens, many of them will realise regardless the correct course of action to take in the face of a moral dilemma. This is not to say that citizens or states will act on any moral conclusion that they have. Ed Vulliamy writing about atrocities in Bosnia during the 1990s summarises this: “it seemed incredible that the world could watch, read and hear about what was happening to the victim people of this war, and yet do nothing – and worse.” (P5 Humanity – A Moral History of the Twentieth Century, Glover 1999).Jonathon Glover attempts to define two types of moral resources available to humanity, firstly to respond to people with certain kinds of respect stemming from their status as fellow human beings and deserving of some maintenance of dignity, and secondly to have a basic level of sympathy, i.e. “caring about the miseries and happiness of others, and perhaps feeling a degree of identification with them.” (p22 Glover 1999). The idea of a moral duty to maintain the basic dignity of others come from the most basic tenets of humanity – for example whilst is may be easy to steal from a blind beggar it is generally accepted as disgraceful behaviour. Kant summarised this simple respect for the dignity of others stating of man: “he is under obligation to acknowledge in a practical way, the dignity of humanity in every other man.