堪培拉代写Assignment 面试的结果

2016-12-21 13:04

面试的结果发现众多的情况下,证明了缺乏准备,期望和pro-activeness迅速调整所需的业务资源,以适应工业的变化。例如,公司最近的运动的采矿业清楚地展示其反应性。因为它已经被澳大利亚储备银行记录,矿业繁荣始于2005年,它也被预测将发生在2013年达到峰值,因此本公司不仅进入了一个行业8年也来的时候会有一个预期低迷在接下来的几年里(2010年澳大利亚储备银行)。作为Eisenhardt DC描述(2000等),这是一个情况的公司应该建立能力,整合和重新配置资源,以预测的机会并立即进入该行业以利用。相反,长时间等待进入这个领域导致错过收入8年。

堪培拉代写Assignment 面试的结果

The results of the interview discovered a multitude of situations that demonstrated the lack of preparation, anticipation and pro-activeness required to quickly adjust the business resources to accommodate for the industrial changes. For example, the company’s recent movement into the mining sector is a clear demonstration of its reactivity. As it has been recorded by the Reserve Bank of Australia, the mining boom began in 2005 and it has also been predicted that the peak will occur in 2013, therefore not only has this company entered a sector 8 years late it has also come at a point when there will be an expected downturn in the following years (Reserve Bank of Australia 2010). As Eisenhardt (et al 2000) described DC, this was a situation where the company should of built capabilities, integrated and reconfigured resources in order to anticipate the opportunity and move into the sector immediately in order to take advantage. Instead, the prolonged wait to move into this sector has resulted in missing out on revenue for 8 years.