
2017-03-21 00:52

霍梅尼和他的信徒的穆斯林原教旨主义者是一个点,被一些评论家认为是西方的特征,包括Ervand Abrahamian。有人主张,使用“原教旨主义”一词掩盖了在伊斯兰革命中发挥的一些重要因素。它声称,伊斯兰革命的成功是根植于霍梅尼的方法来推翻保皇派精英固有的民粹主义是对宗教仪式的什叶派穆斯林的原则推进。[ 18 ]的例子,霍梅尼决定在之后的一段时间1979,伊斯兰教将保护私有财产,政府是一个不完美的但必要的武力来防范人性的弱点和邪恶。[ 19 ]霍梅尼呼吁伊朗中产阶级的能力是国家统一在伊拉克入侵和他的革命不断进步面前挥。霍梅尼认为,“自由企业会把轮子上的经济”[ 20 ],两回波经典第十九世纪自由放任的自由主义经济学说,与当时的经济哲学对美国打击讽刺的平行的话,霍梅尼的“大撒旦”[ 21 ]。是伊朗革命正在进行的可持续性最后一个重要的元素是有权上诉到民事法院从伊斯兰教法的宪法条款。由革命领导伊朗变化的持续管理固有的实用主义一直是其标志性的–宗教动机用流行的符号和真正的现实主义元素.


The Western characterisation of Khomeini and his adherents as Muslim fundamentalists is a point that has been considered by a number of commentators, including Ervand Abrahamian. It is contended that the use of the term ‘fundamentalist’ disguises a number of the important factors at play in the Islamic revolution. It is contended that Islamic revolutionary success is as rooted in the inherent populism of Khomeini’s approach to the overthrown of the royalist elite as it does to the advancement of Shiite Muslim principles of religious observance.[18] By example, Khomeini determined in the period following 1979 that Islam would protect private property, as government was an imperfect but necessary force to guard against human weakness and evil.[19]The ability of Khomeini to appeal to middle class Iranians was essential to both national unity in the face of the Iraq incursion and the ongoing progress of his revolution. Khomeini believed that ‘free enterprise would turn the wheels of the economy’[20], words that both echo classic nineteenth century laissez-faire liberal economic doctrines and strike an ironic parallel with the prevailing economic philosophies of the United States, Khomeini’s ‘Great Satan’[21].A final important element of the ongoing sustainability of the Iran revolution was the constitutional provision for a right of appeal to a civil court from the sharia. The inherent pragmatism of the ongoing management of change in Iran by the revolutionary leadership has been its hallmark – religious motivation couched in popular symbols and an element of true realpolitik