
2017-07-07 15:11

Chaucer also satirises the medieval idea of romance, through the tales, he satirises courtly love, and how it is portrayed as being the ideal way to create a romance. The Miller's Tale, in particular, satirises this concept as it is a "parody romance" (King, 2000, p73). This medieval concept is often found ridiculed in these tales. In the Wife of Bath she admits "that I have wedded five!" (Chaucer, 1995, line 44), if this had been a courtly love, surely it would have lasted and the Wife of Bath would not have been able to marry again, out of love for her previous husband. Absolon in the Miller's Tale attempts to woo Alison using techniques expected of a courtly lover, however he fails to impress Alison and his efforts go unrecognised. Chaucer uses the literary convention of courtly love with Absolon to demonstrate just how ridiculous the efforts of the courtly lover can be, and how ridiculous it can be presented in literature.Chaucer is able to express some views on religion in the tales, even though he would have had to ensure that this was not a deliberate or obvious attack on the church. In the Miller's Tale Absolon is satirised as the "parish clerk" (Chaucer, 2006, line 204) as "That of no wyf took he noon offrynage" (Chaucer, 2006, line 242). Chaucer also suggests that when Alison goes to church it is much more of a social outing, rather than a religious event. In the Wife of Bath the satire is "directed at the sex obsessed and guilt-ridded attitudes of medieval christianity" (Whittock, 1968, p121).