
2017-03-22 09:33

由农村社区委员会提交的农村报告强调了对那些想在农村生活的人多样化的重要性。虽然农业仍然是土地的主要用途,有证据表明,农业将逐渐看到其影响在农村侵蚀。农民的年龄由2003变–,那些控制了农场60%年龄超过55和2000,农民的收入是自上世纪30年代以来最低的(农村2005 P102状态)。农业的长期趋势似乎是更多的兼职农场工人,实际上,工人们不得不在休闲和旅游等其他行业中增加他们的收入。一些人已经意识到这–出租土地的野营和商队可以成为一个有用的收入来源。公众对农民补贴的怀疑和对生产过剩的担忧也给政策制定者施加了压力,他们担心支持农业。如果补贴被削减,一些农场将不可避免地破产,而传统上农民不愿出售继承土地,很少有资金资助自己的娱乐项目。多元化是必要的,政府应该鼓励这一点,如果需要一些财政奖励。2002个英国研究发现58%的控股现在从事某种形式的多样化,主要是出租房屋用于非农业用途。多元化是否进入休闲旅游业,显然对农村的未来至关重要。


The State of the Countryside report tabled by the Commission for Rural Communities stressed the importance of diversification for those who look to make their living in the countryside. Whilst farming remains the predominant use of land, there is evidence that agriculture will gradually see its influence in the countryside erode. The age profile of farmers is changing – by 2003, 60% of those in control of farms were over the age of 55 and in 2000, farmers’ incomes were the lowest since the 1930s (p102 State of the Countryside 2005). The long term trends in agriculture would appear to be more part-time farm workers, in effect workers that would have to supplement their incomes with employment in other sectors such as leisure and tourism. Some landowners have already realised this – renting out land for camping and caravans can be a useful source of income. Public scepticism over subsidies to farmers and concerns about overproduction also put pressure on policy makers to be wary of supporting agriculture. Some farms will inevitably go bust if subsidies are cut and whilst farmers are traditionally reluctant to sell inherited land, few have the capital to fund their own recreational projects. Diversification is essential and the Government should encourage this, with some financial incentives if required. A DEFRA study in 2002 found that 58% of holdings are now engaged in some form of diversification, primarily lettings of buildings for non-agricultural use. Whether or not diversification is into the leisure and tourism sector, it is clear that it will be vital to the future of the countryside.