
2018-05-19 01:33

《黑暗之心》是约瑟夫·康拉德的小说,出版于1902年。这部小说主要讲述了主人公马洛在刚果河和非洲的经历。通过《黑暗之心》,康拉德将非洲作为黑暗的地方,将其形象和人物塑造成另一个世界,与欧洲和欧洲形成鲜明对比,因而与文明对立。对非洲和非洲人的羞辱和同情,在整部小说中也是显而易见的。《黑暗之心》描绘了白人看待黑人的方式。他通过主人公马洛表达了他所有的想法。1958年,Chinua Achebe写了一部小说,《万物分崩离析》出版。在小说中,阿奇比提出了不同的非洲人的想法;与康拉德在小说中所写的完全相反。他认为他们是伟大的历史、传统和制度的人。他们有家庭,有宗教,有自己的语言,有著名的,有智慧的谚语和巨大的谈话艺术。阿奇比坚持认为,非洲人是普通人,“他们像所有人一样,和站在他们附近的人一起欢笑和交谈”。
Heart of Darkness, a novel written by Joseph Conrad, was published in 1902. The novel is mainly about the experience of the protagonist, Marlow, in the Congo River and Africa. Through Heart of Darkness, Conrad refers to Africa as the place of darkness and projects its image and its people to the readers to being the other world, in contrast with Europe and Europeans and therefore antithesis for civilization. Humiliation and sympathy for Africa and the Africans, was also obvious throughout the novel. Heart of Darkness portrays the way white people see the black. He expresses all his thoughts through the main protagonist, Marlow.Things fall apart, a novel written by Chinua Achebe, was published in 1958. In the novel, Achebe presents a different idea of the Africans; in total contrast of what Conrad wrote in his novel. He views them as people of great history, tradition and institutions. They have families, religion, their own language, famous and wise proverbs and enormous art of conversation. Achebe persists on the idea that Africans are normal human beings “they laugh and talk among themselves like all and with others who stand near them”.