
2018-11-20 10:21

Other Philosopher John Austin has definition of law as followed: a “rule laid down for the guidance of an intelligent being by an intelligent being having power over him.” There are two kinds of law: positive law (rules commanded by political superiors to their inferiors) and divine law .Law is commands, which Austin see as an expression of a wish by someone who has the willingness and ability to enforce compliance. Unlike Thomas Aquinas, John Austin does not make any differences between divine and natural law. Austin thinks that God’s commands to us are the true morality. Austin distinguishes divine law/the true morality from “positive morality,” or the beliefs about what’s right/wrong, just/unjust that are held by the majority of people in some society. The positive morality of our society is right as it agree with divine law and incorrect insofar as it deviates from it. It does not have any value that Austin had an unorthodox view of the content of divine law. Austin believed that God commands us to be utility maximizes, making utilitarianism the true morality.Positive laws are driven by “political superiors.” John Austin calls these superiors the “sovereign,” and he defines “sovereign” as the person or persons who are not in the habit of obeying anyone else, and who everyone else is in the habit of obeying. Positive laws are general commands by people who themselves are not bound by them, and who can enforce obedience from everyone else. I don’t really match with either of these philosophers ideas but if I should to tend to one of their views it would be the one of John Austin’s for a reason of his division of laws.