
2019-02-05 23:17

为了回应“我也一样”运动和哈维·温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)丑闻,好莱坞明星于2018年1月发起了“时代前进”运动。此外,许多一线明星还协助创建了《纽约时报》Up法律辩护基金。该基金为工作场所遭受性骚扰、攻击或虐待的受害者提供法律支持、辩护和咨询。截至2018年2月,时代周刊已经为其法律辩护基金募集了2000万美元。它还获得了200多名志愿律师,他们将直接与受害者一起工作,以确保他们的权利得到保护(Chu 2018, 16)。当你访问《时代》周刊的Up网站时,你首先看到的一句话是:“关于性侵犯、性骚扰和职场不平等,时钟已经走到了尽头。”是时候做点什么了。这充分说明了这场运动的目标。是时候让女性闭嘴,保护施虐者了。既然政府拒绝承认性骚扰的严重性并采取行动,是时候做出改变,把事情掌握在自己手中了。许多男性,甚至是女性,都认为这些运动是不必要的。他们的主张从寻求关注到推行极端自由主义议程,不一而足。那些反抗的人并没有受到这些运动目标的教育。许多人声称,“我也是”和“时间到了”只是女人通过诬陷别人来获得更多关注和名声的方法。反对派声称,既然除了妇女的证词之外,没有其他证据证明这些袭击,他们怎么能相信这些证据呢?此外,男性认为,指责让男性员工和高管不得不完全避开职场女性。他们声称,除非与工作直接相关,否则男女之间不存在交流,这会损害他们的工作表现(ro迪诺- colocino, 98)。然而,反对该运动只给了妇女更大的理由去争取她们的权利和保护。永远都会有反对者,但受害者和支持者正在尽自己的努力发出自己的声音,特别是对于那些被打倒和沉默的妇女。
     In response to the #MeToo movement and the Harvey Weinstein scandal, the Time’s Up movement was founded in January 2018 by Hollywood celebrities. Additionally, many A-listers have assisted in the creation of the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund. The fund provides legal support, defense, and advising to victims of sexual harassment, assault, or abuse in the workplace. As of February 2018, Time’s Up has raised 20 million dollars for its legal defense fund. It has also gained over 200 volunteer lawyers who are going to work directly with victims to ensure their rights are protected (Chu 2018, 16). When you visit the Time’s Up website, the first thing you see is a quote that reads, “The clock has run out on sexual assault, harassment, and inequality in the workplace. It is time to do something about it.” This perfectly exemplifies the goal of the movement. The time is up on silencing women and protecting abusers. It is time to make a change and take matters into our own hands since governments refuse to acknowledge the severity of sexual harassment and do something about it .However, the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements have caught plenty of negative backlash. Many men and, surprisingly, even women argue that these movements are unnecessary. Their claims range from attention seeking to pushing an extremist liberal agenda. The individuals who push back are not educated on the goals these movements. Many individuals have claimed that #MeToo and Time’s Up are only ways for women to get more attention and fame by falsely accusing others. People in opposition claim that since there is no proof of the assaults, other than women’s testimonies, how can they believe them? Additionally, men argue that accusations make male workers and executives have to avoid women in the workplace completely. They claim there is no communication between males and females unless it is directly related to work and this can hurt their work performance (Rodino-Colocino, 98). Nevertheless, the opposition to the movement has only given women a bigger reason to fight for their rights and protection. There will always be antagonists but victims and supporters are doing their part to lift their voices, especially for women who are teared down and silenced.