昆士兰作业代写 巴布韦经济灭亡

2020-02-07 09:22

虽然自由化被认为是津巴布韦经济灭亡的开始,但它在乌干达被证明是相对成功的。新的NRM政权继承了一个破产的国家,并被迫在捐助者的压力下实现自由化和民主化。慢慢地,它解除了对投资、垄断、营销委员会的限制,并减少了财政赤字。开放市场促进了经济迅速恢复增长,但对重建国家能力几乎没有帮助(Brett 2008)。在津巴布韦,自愿自由化减少了就业,恶化了公共服务,疏远了关键群体,团结了反对派。穆加贝利用国家控制和民粹主义反殖民政策巩固了政治支持(Raftopolous 2004)。然而,这只会恶化外汇危机,导致恶性通货膨胀和破坏国家能力(Muzondidya 2010)。该政权重新转向掠夺性的结构主义政策,导致对捐助国的制裁只会恶化经济表现。2008年(世界银行2010年),非洲才恢复到危机前的人均收入水平,但自那以来,尽管各国在经济成就和民主巩固方面的表现继续存在差异,但非洲的人均收入出现了可观的增长。非洲国家今天普遍比1980年代更加民主(Lynch and Crawford 2011),经济绩效、政治改革和基于市场的方法之间普遍存在正相关关系(Bates 2014;Jerven 2010)。卢旺达是非洲少数几个统一的专制国家之一,但与非洲许多民主国家相比,它的经济成就相对较高(Hayman 2011)。非洲的相对成功主要归功于中国的成就。过去15年,中国对大宗商品需求的增长推动了出口,大量中国FDI的流入帮助维持了增长。此外,IMF将非洲国家边缘化,未能使它们完全融入世界经济,无意中保护它们免受全球金融危机的影响。
昆士兰作业代写 巴布韦经济灭亡
Whilst liberalisation was considered the beginning of Zimbabwe’s economic demise, it proved relatively successful in Uganda. The new NRM regime inherited a bankrupt state and was forced to liberalise and democratise by donors. Slowly it removed constraints on investment, monopolies, marketing boards, and reduced fiscal deficits. Opening the market facilitated a rapid return to growth but did little to rebuild state capacity (Brett 2008). In Zimbabwe, voluntary liberalisation reduced employment, worsened public services, alienated key groups and unified the opposition. Mugabe consolidated political support by using extractive state controls and populist anti-colonial policies (Raftopolous 2004). However, this only worsened the foreign exchange crisis, led to hyper-inflation and destroyed state capacity (Muzondidya 2010). The regime shifted back to extractive structuralist policies which led to donor sanctions only worsening economic performance.Africa only regained its pre-crisis levels of per capita income in 2008 (World Bank 2010), but since, has seen considerable growth, though individual country performance has continued to diverge both in terms of economic success and democratic consolidation. African countries are generally more democratic today than they were in the 1980s (Lynch and Crawford 2011) and there is a general positive correlation between economic performance, political reform and market-based approaches (Bates 2014; Jerven 2010). Rwanda is one of few consolidated autocracies in Africa but has experienced relatively high levels of economic success compared to many democracies in Africa (Hayman 2011). Africa’s relative success is largely due to China’s accomplishments. China’s increased demand for commodities have fuelled exports and a huge influx of Chinese FDI helped sustain growth over the last 15 years. In addition, the IMF marginalised African countries and failed to completely integrate them into the world economy, unintentionally protecting them from global financial crisis.