
2019-01-28 00:03

In the period prior to the enlightenment women were legally and socially inferior. One example of this is in crime: a man convicted of murdering his wife would be hanged, but a woman convicted of murdering her husband would, by law, be burned alive (Misenheimer,1981:p21). They were also unequal in financial and property rights, women were uneducated and taught to be ‘pure’ and respectable so they could gain a husband and a home and the legal position of most women totally dependence on their husbands (Mill,1878). It’s quite clear that Wollstonecraft’s world did have considerable oppression and it was within this context that her attack on male dominance of society was based. She expresses how women are `legally prostituted,’ attacking marriage and the power men have through marriage (P:75). She attacks that women can only advance through marriage explaining how it’s the only security of public freedom and universal happiness (P:18). She also argues heavily against the “socially constructed'” position of women, which has been forced upon them by men. This is possibly her strongest argument against male dominance which conforms to the ideas of what is natural and what has been created by man; similar to the ideas of Thomas Paine, Rousseau. The idea is that the subjugation of women is unnatural and obviously goes against rational, enlightened and more important moral society. Wollstonecraft argues that if marriage is strongest institution and cement of society then men and women should be educated equally regardless of their sexes and marriage never can be held sacred till women, by being brought up with men, are prepared to be their companions rather than their mistresses.