
2019-06-12 20:09

碧桂园进入眼镜及童装行业。该公司在独立商店零售,也在大卫琼斯和迈尔的特许商店。Country Road是伍尔沃斯控股有限公司的子公司,其注册办公室位于维多利亚州里士满。该公司与一系列高端服装设计师和零售商以及Myer和David Jones旗下的其他高端品牌展开竞争。Country Road在澳大利亚证券交易所的发行者代码是CTY,被归类为零售业。他们的官方网站是。碧桂园现任行政管理委员会成员如下:主席兼非执行董事苏思曼;首席执行官约翰·切斯/总监;苏菲霍尔特,董事;总监/首席财务官大卫·托马斯;Ian Moir非执行董事;Norman Thomson,非执行董事。在过去的几十年里,澳大利亚的时尚零售业面临着根本性的变革。在电脑辅助设计、生产和订购等技术的帮助下,中国的生产线已向海外转移。今天,我们可以在几分钟内将图案和订单发送到全球各地。由于关税水平的降低,以及国内生产和制造成本的增加,许多劳动密集型的纺织服装和鞋类活动在过去10年已转移到海外。越来越多的澳大利亚公司正在发展与国外制造商的联系,这些制造商为澳大利亚的生产或提供成品,以赞扬澳大利亚制造的时装系列。
Between 2000 and 2001 Country Road entered into the eyewear and childrenswear business. The Company retails in stand-alone stores and also concession stores in David Jones and Myer. Country Road is a subsidiary of Woolworths Holdings Limited and its registered office is in Richmond, in the state of Victoria. The Company competes with a diverse range of upmarket apparel designers and retailers, as well as other high-end brands within Myer and David Jones. Country Road’s issuer code on the Australian Stock Exchange is CTY and its classified as being in the retailing industry. Their official website on the internet is Country Road’s current executive management committee members are as described: Simon Susman, Chairman Non-Executive Director; John Cheston, CEO/Director; Sophie Holt, Director; David Thomas, Director/CFO; Ian Moir Non-Executive Director; Norman Thomson, Non-Executive Director.The Australian Fashion Retail industry has faced radical transformation in the past decades. Relaxation of trade tariffs has seen production lines shift overseas, assisted by technology such as computer aided design, production and ordering. Today it is possible to send patterns and orders around the globe in minutes. Due to the reduction in tariff levels, and the increase in costs of domestic production and manufacture, many of the more labour intensive textile clothing and footwear activities have moved offshore over the past decade. An increasing number of Australian firms are developing links with manufacturers abroad who provide contributions to Australian production or provide finished goods to compliment the Australian made ranges of fashion articles.