美国代写essay 中国电信

2017-02-02 01:49

美国代写essay 在中国,经济系统属于公有制,如中国电信和中国联通,他们仍然是国有。由于特殊原因,中国政府在电信市场竞争中并未对电信行业产生一定的制约。由于政府的优先事项,它负责机构作出决定的所有因素,影响进入电信市场。例如,这些元素有内部连接策略、基本设施等。中国政府实行电信业务许可制度,是指任何个人和团体不得在没有许可的情况下进行交易

美国代写essay 中国电信

In China,the economic system belongs to the public ownership, such as China Telecom and China Unicom, they are still state-owned. Due to the special reason, the Chinese government does not produce some constraints to telecom industries for competition in the market economy.
Due to government priorities, it is responsible for the agency to make decision on all elements which impact entry into telecommunications markets. For example, these elements have internal connection policies, essential facilities and so on. Chinese government implements a licensing system for making telecommunications business, it means that no individuals or groups can trade in no licensing condition.
The telecommunications system belongs to the public ownership and the companies are still state-owned in China. In the monopoly market, the government builds the economic barriers to prevent businesses from other choosing to serve the profitable section in the market. Although telecom science and technology continue to innovate and develop in different periods, there is also no a certain definition to the telecom industry in China. According to the theory of regulation, the monopolistic enterprises often keep a low performance is based on the lack of motivation of effective business.
While compared with the monopoly market, on the one hand, the competitive market has more new market participants to supervise telecom enterprises whether correctly carry out property rights. On the other hand, all market participants both have a pressure to enhance organizational operating efficiency. In investment market, telecom enterprises need focus on increasing restrictions to non-government investment part.  More specifically,Chinese government should reduce antitrust authority to telecommunications industries. When these communications Operators compete with others in the free market, an antitrust agency will increase firms’ cost of influencing the regulatory policy.