
2017-03-29 12:58

Sociology is the study of society, but more particularly it is the study of the effects that society has on the individual. The effects of its institutions, such as the family or the church on how people behave and how they understand their lives. Sociological explanations of the world focus on how culture affects us and how we are socialised. Sociologists have analysed societies within a number of different major schools of thought. Three of these major approaches are considered here, that of structuralism, functionalism and interactionism, and how they explain the production of a stable society.Marxism is a structural theory of the way society operates. This means that it concentrates on society's structure: its education system, its economic system, work and so on. Through these types of institutions, society fundamentally affects the lives of individuals. Within structuralism, sociology's aim is to analyse the way in which these social institutions interact with one another and the effects this has on the individual. This is known as a macro approach as it focuses on large social factors. For Marx, society is controlled by the 'means of production', essentially the economic system (Tonkiss, 1998). Because of the way the economic system operates, Marx argued there were basically two kinds of classes: the bourgeoisie, the owners of industry, the ruling classes, and the proletariat, the workers. As it was the bourgeoisie that controlled the means of production, the workers were necessarily oppressed and were in a continuous state of conflict with them.