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惠灵顿 assignment 代写:批评者认为
2017-06-09 01:19
相反,批评者认为,社交媒体的话语是基于猜测、偏见和个人经验,而不是经验证据(Bauerlein,2008;塞尔温,2010)。塞尔温(2010)为例,详细阐述了在科技和教育的辩论-实际使用和可持续发展的基石。他建议中产阶级,白人男子影响目前的社会媒体话语很少考虑“真正的”用户。蒂姆和duven(2008)强调隐私和伦理方面的考虑,这对学生和教育工作者中的伦理实践对话的需要。同样,解决方案(2011)报告的保密性和完整性是两个最著名的障碍,社交媒体的使用由教员。Nielsen(2006)描述了社会网络用户使用参与不平等的规则:90%是观望者,9%有时间的时候,和1%个贡献最大的行动。本着同样的精神,brandtzaeg(在Selwyn,2008引)声称,大多数社交媒体用户是被动的观察者而不是参与者从事。他说:“大多数人使用社交媒体也许是最好的称为“非活跃用户的下载内容而不是被动地从事任何有意义的创造行为或共享”。本文提出了考虑研究表明残疾人的担忧继续在他们的生活包括获得教育和技术的许多领域处于不利地位。惠灵顿 assignment 代写:批评者认为
In contrast, critics argued that social media discourse is grounded in speculation, biases and personal experience rather than empirical evidence (Bauerlein, 2008; Selwyn, 2010). Selwyn (2010) for example, elaborated in detail on the cornerstone of the technology and educational debate - actual use and sustainability. He suggested mid-class, Caucasian men influenced the current social media discourse with little consideration for the "real" users. Timm & Duven (2008) emphasized privacy and ethical considerations suggesting the need for dialogue on apppropriate and ethical practice for students and educators. Similarly, Solutions (2011) reported privacy and integrity as the two most noted barriers to social media use by faculty members.Nielsen (2006) described social network users using the participation inequality rule: 90% are lurkers, 9% contribute time to time, and 1% contributes most of the action. In the same spirit, Brandtzaeg (as cited in Selwyn, 2008) claimed that most social media users are passive observers rather than engaged participants. He stated: "The majority of people who do use social media are perhaps best termed as 'non-active users' - passively downloading content rather than engaging in any meaningful acts of creation or sharing." This discourse raises concerns considering research shows people with disabilities continue to be disadvantaged in many areas of their lives including access to education and technology.