
2017-04-28 00:54

最近关于学业成绩的研究已经确定,健康的生活方式会影响学生在大学的成功。据Rebecca Moris,2009没有在她的研究中,一个很好的营养方案,帮助学生更好的表现在大学。丽贝卡指出,营养餐包括水果,一天增加一个学生整体健康和减少疾病的发病率在蔬菜和低calorines食品。veugerlers,2008同意丽贝卡的观点,当他注意到在他的研究的重要性,nuttrion早餐和全天拓展学生在课堂上获取知识的能力。在她的研究中,丽贝卡还指出,如果学生缺乏经常锻炼,他或她将得到较低的学业成绩。每天锻炼的学生在学习上可能胜过他的同班同学。研究是由Charles Hillman博士在2009三月发现定期锻炼可以提高学生的学业成绩和他的浓度对讲座在大学。与相关的运动,充足的睡眠会帮助学生达到更高的学术表现。睡得好的学生比不睡的好(丽贝卡,2009)。Michael Breus博士的研究发现,2003的睡眠充足的重要性,他认为,学生睡眠不足表现不好、不善沟通,从而减轻学生学业上的成功。看来有一一许多影响本科学生学业成功的因素,其中一些是更重要的决定。研究人员发现,非智力因素和智力因素对学生成功的欲望、学生的目标、学生的学业成功有着深远的影响。知道所有这些因素可以帮助学生在大学生活中取得满意的成绩,并可能是毕业后的未来职业生涯。
Studies recently about academic performance have determined that a healthy life styles influence student success at university. According to what Rebecca Moris, 2009 did in her research, a good nutritional regimen helps student perform better at university. Rebecca points out that nutrious meal including fruits, vegetables and food with low calorines during a day increase a student overal health and decrease the rate of illness. Veugerlers, 2008 agrees with Rebecca when he notes in his study the importance of a nuttrion breakfast and throughout the day that extends student ability to gain knowledge in class. In her study, Rebecca also figures out that if student lack of regular exercise, he or she will get lower academic performance. Student who exercises everyday is likely to outperform his classmate in studying. A research did by Dr.Charles Hillman in the March 2009 discovered that regular exercise can improve student academic achievement and his concerntration towards lectures at university. With relevant to exercise, getting enough sleep surely assists student achieving higher acadmic performance. Students who have a good night sleeping perform better than those who do not (Rebecca, 2009). Dr. Michael Breus' research, 2003 found out the importance of getting enough sleep, he asserts that students who lack of sleep behave badly and communicate poorly, which reduce student academic success.It seems that there are a a lot of factors that affect the undergraduate student academic success, and some of them are more important determinants. Researchers have shown that non-intellectual and intellectual factors have the profound impact on student desire to be success, student goals, lastly, the academic success of students. Knowing all of these factors may help students achieve satisfactory results during university' life and may be the future career after graduating.