
2018-03-30 22:35

大多数教授第二语言学生的教师都知道基本的人际沟通技巧(BICS)和认知学术语言能力(CALP)之间存在差异(Cummins, 1979)。这基本上是说,我们在日常活动中说话的方式和我们在学术环境中说话的方式有区别,一个是正式的,另一个是非正式的。这也包括我们写作的方式,无论我们是在正式或非正式的情况下。在教学方面,很多教师在教学内容方面有教学的倾向,因为他们教的是标准,但是很多老师没有意识到他们必须继续用L1语言教学来达到L2阶段。澳洲作业代写:学术环境如果老师认为他们不能改变他们的教学方式,因为课程不允许,他们会意识到他们对他们的学生是一种伤害。教师需要认识到,通过使用L1,可以使理解L2的材料更容易理解,从而使新学生更容易掌握一门新的语言。(克拉申,1981)。由于不使用L1资源,这可能会导致许多第二语言学习者感到沮丧,因为他们需要将这些BICS技能嵌入到课程中。为了获得必要的技能,成为一个成功的作家,大多数魔法学生需要成功的从一开始,如果教师教L2物质不使用学生已经知道了什么,很多魔法学生将开始关闭或最差,他们开始感到压力,可以使或打破任何第二语言学习者。
Most teachers that teach second language students know there is a difference between Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) (Cummins, 1979). What this is basically saying is that there is a difference in the way we speak during everyday activities and the way we speak in an academic setting, one being formal and the other informal. This also includes the way we write as well, whether we are in a formal or informal situation. When it comes to teaching, many teachers have a tendency of teaching CALP in the content areas because they teach to the standards, but many teachers fail to realize they must continue to teach in the L1 language to achieve the L2 stage. If teachers go in with the thought that they cannot vary their teaching styles because the curriculum will not allow it, they will realize they are doing a disservice to their ELL students. Teachers need to realize that by using L1 can actually make understanding L2 material easier to understand, and therefore making it easier for new students to acquire a new language. (Krashen, 1981). By not using the L1 resources, this can, and often, cause lots of frustration to many second language learners that need those BICS skills embedded into the lessons. In order to acquire the necessary skills to become a successful writer, most ELL students need to feel successful from the beginning and if teachers teach L2 material without using what students already know, many ELL students will begin to shut down or worst yet, they begin to feel the pressure which can make or break any second language learner.