
2019-04-25 14:34

毛里求斯的教育制度与英国的教育制度有着根本的渊源,因为该岛在很久以前就是英国的殖民地。1968年独立后,新一届政府投入了相当的人力和物力资源的教育部门和进步已经注意到并达成的人均资助儿童3 + 4 +,小学教育是免费的,除了教科书,强制中等教育16。毛里求斯大学和技术大学提供了高等教育课程,费用负担得起。自1977年以来,中等教育一直是免费的。毛里求斯大学的全日制本科课程自1988年起免费。免费教育是由国家资助的,这使得巨额预算吃紧,并补贴了大部分资助中学的费用。普及初等教育是实现在1970年代,1977年免费教育,和立法让16岁的义务教育,政策的挑战€生产商不得不面临有关扩大获得更高的教育水平,提高质量,加强管理部门(同时确保股权)。高等教育经费主要通过政府和学生/家长提供。公立高等院校的学生在很大程度上是由政府资助的。就读于本地私立高等院校及海外院校的学生须支付全部学费。
Mauritius educational system has for root the British one, as the island was a British colony long ago. After independence in 1968, the new government invested considerably in human and material resources for the education sector and progress has been noticed and reached in terms of a per capita grant to children of 3+ and 4+, primary education was free, as well as textbooks, compulsory secondary education up to 16. Higher education courses were offered at University of Mauritius and the University of Technology for affordable fees.Since 1977, secondary education has been free. As for full time undergraduate level at the University of Mauritius, it was free since 1988. Free education is funded by the State which strain huge budgets and subsidize a big part of the grant aided secondary schools expenses. With universal primary education being achieved in the 1970s, free education in 1977, and legislation making education up to 16 years of age compulsory, the challenges policy‐makers have had to face have related to broadening access at the higher education level, improving quality, and strengthening the management of the sector (while ensuring equity). The financing of higher education is basically via the government and students/parents.Students enrolled in public higher educational institutions are funded to a very large extent by the government. Students enrolled in local private higher education institutions and those in overseas institutions pay the full cost of their education.